I had to pinch myself till I bled. Is Adam Smith, Senior Staff Writer for Advanced Photoshop magazine emailing me for a feature in their magazine?!? I instantly google’d his name and email address to verify if this was real, and sure enough it was! Let me try to put this in perspective… This is THE magazine I genuinely gladly pay $15 to take home and read. Oversized pages, spot-uv covers, high quality paper stock.. so nice I’ve never thrown away a single issue. Dare I say the only magazine I buy? (American publishers can learn a thing or two from Imagine Publishing.)

I literally screamed when I saw my picture as the lead-in image for the feature. The feature is simply titled “Photoshop for Photographers”. Myself and 3 other photographers (Jaroslav Stehlik, Jim Lind, and James Quantz Jr)are interviewed for their insight on how Photoshop helps our workflow. Very humbling to be paired up with such great photographers. One line inparticular in the feature caught my eye when I was mentioned in the same sentence as Dave Hill and Jim Fiscus, truly 2 of my main sources of inspiration over my history behind the camera. Maybe now they’ll let me have brunch with them 😀

Dual page lead-in image to the feature, I owe Adam Smith a drink!
Original image from my portfolio.
Pull-quote by yours truly, plus the Fast & Furious 3-car rig shot.
Original image from my portfolio
PRO TIP! ha!
If you’ve never picked up a copy of Advanced Photoshop, do yourself a favor and at least flip through it. Chances are you’ll take it home. I have for years, and now I’m featured in the very pages I read!