Let’s cut to the chase and bring up the two points that are the most paramount to this blog post…
1. This very 1993 Porsche Boxster Concept is highly regarded to saving Porsche from bankruptcy.
2. 000 Magazine, with Pete Stout at the helm, is cut from the same thread as a unicorn’s mane.
Point 1
Yep, bankruptcy. In 1986, Porsche global sales had plummeted from a high of 53,000, to just 14,000 in 1993. The numbers are staggering, but this is no secret Porsche will deny. The same company that built a legacy of racing thoroughbreds, and works of art that hang in children’s rooms everywhere were desperate for a new direction, a new method of development, and above all… a new car. The very car you see in this feature made it’s debut at the 1993 Detroit Auto Show. The audience was elbowing to get a peek, and Bob Lutz, then a board member at Chrysler, told Porsche “You have to build it”. Needless to say this car is a monumental piece of history that provided a solid step to the future of the Porsche we know today.
Point 2
I’m nowhere near the writing prowess of Helmut Werb who wrote the made-for-museums 000 Magazine article which goes into immense depth of this historical car. He’s one of the few contributors selected to mold a publication Pete Stout always wanted to build. I know Pete from his tenure at Excellence and the Porsche Club of America. His attention to detail and respect for artists always makes working for him an immense and humble pleasure. My same feelings are resonated from the list of hand-picked 000 collaborators, which include Jeff Zwart, Linhbergh Nguyen, Camden Thrasher, Nate Hassler, Michael Alan Ross, plus many other familiar names… and that’s just the photographers. The oversized 9×12″ 80lb paper pages, and $250 ($999 hardcover) yearly subscription definitely help drive home the no compromise approach of 000. Pete summed it perfectly when he said “In a world of increasingly cheap and easy media, 000 is a haven where timelessness is valued over timeliness.”
What you see in this blog post pales vastly in comparison to the painstaking attention to detail showcased in 000. A fine-toothed comb driven by a team of true Porsche enthusiasts has formed one of the finest pieces of automotive research, journalism, and photography in existence.

Quick shout to RL Handcrafts for the quality leather camera sling (pictured above). I can guarantee that I’ll be using this sling for the rest of my life… not to mention it makes me look like a weathered cop from Se7en. Give em a look, I don’t plug products that suck.
Of course, BIG THANKS to Porsche Cars North America (specifically David and Ray) for allowing access to their gorgeous headquarters in Atlanta, and their priceless car. It’s hard to find a bad angle at their brand new facility. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the car was pushed everywhere because the concept car doesn’t have a drivetrain… that sounds dreadful for a shoot, but actually it was exceptionally lightweight and easy to push around. Teamwork makes the dream work.
For inquiries about this impressive Prototyp issue, and subscribing to 000, visit their website.