I’ve noticed a trend among the tip-top commercial photographers… minus a handful (Joey L, Nick Saglimbeni, Chase Jarvis, Zack Arias), most have a polished straight-laced persona that is unwavering no matter how big a gig they get, or what awards/feature they’re offered. Will I get jaded after I land my 50th job with Reebok or Atlantic Records? Hopefully I can tell you one day, but the answer to that will most certainly be HELL NO! Back to the question in the title, maybe this will answer the quizzing inquisitors; I’m featured in this months PDN magazine!!! (can you sense the excitement?!?) No, this doesn’t mean I instantly got 20 jobs the next day from the mailers, but YES I got a lot of replies from them, and that builds a solid bridge to future jobs.

As far as I’m concerned PDN is one of the most respected photography magazines in the states, so you could imagine how big my eyes got when I got an email from one of their editors. My little ‘ol mailer penetrated New York’s 6″ steel plated photography editors’ walls. After a morning chat on the phone, Jacqueline wrote a very flattering article. I can’t wait to put my upcoming 2011 work in my next planned mailer (and yes I already have it planned out!).