After my first feature in Advanced Photoshop Magazine I was on cloud 9… is it possible to go any higher? Clint, welcome to cloud 9 and a half. I was asked by editor Adam Smith to submit a picture and a few words on how I use Photoshop to create effects and final edits at the end of my projects. Of course I responded right away. The top 40 tips are actually very useful to read, I highly recommend any Photoshop nerd to pick up this issue.

“Without the help of Photoshop, many of my images would simply be impossible to create. I take the most optimal exposure of the subject and background then combine them in order to achieve a hyperrealistic look. I primarily use the Pen tool to finely clip out objects – then combine the multiple images together for a final piece. In the end, I add universal texture, lighting effects and match the colours to tie everything together.”
And the image I chose for the feature. Ashley Knights Jr. ripping up the 2nd street tunnel in downtown LA.