Introducing the fruits of much labor: the Mastering Compositing tutorial DVDs that meticulously go from start to finish on 5 of my very own images. With help from the HIGHLY decorated world-recognized photographer Nick Saglimbeni, we pieced these tutorials together over months of hard work and many revisions. Click for full details.
These HD-quality tutorials go VERY in-depth on how to composite images with a one-of-a-kind interface that allows you to zoom in while playing. I go over the basic tools, to piecing together a complicated multi-layered movie poster in the last few levels. Each level goes literally non-stop from start to finish, and split up into chapters to go over key concepts. And whaaaaat? ALL high-res images are included in the set, including custom brushes!
Some screenshots are included below, along with 2 preview videos. Just a teeny tiny tip of the iceberg. This project took quite some time, and am very excited to see the beautiful packaging in my hands.