A friend at RIDES Magazine hit me up and asked if I was interested in shooting a Harley-Davidson motorcycle club from Atlanta, GA. Going into the shoot, I had no idea what was going to happen. All I knew is I had to sneak in as many pictures as I could behind the video crew’s back for two days, so RIDES and Harley-Davidson will have plenty of options for their Iron Elite series.
It was raining nearly all of those 48 hours, but thankfully they didn’t care. And the most surprising, the guys in the motorcycle clubs were literally some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. Big, burly, muscular, rough, leather-clad, loud-motorcycles… yet never hesitated to listen to what I had to say or give me a helping hand… not to mention they always asked if I wanted a beer. (duh, yes)

Working with RIDES is a joy, they’re definitely one of the magazines that “get it”. Courteous editors, talented art directors, and very respectful all around. The icing on the cake, however, is my pictures were picked up by Harley-Davidson and are now being used all over their website.

What I lack in muscle, I make up for in height!!!… right?!? Not sure if I’ll ever fit a Harley between my legs (I’m more of a sportbike guy), but I had a great time hanging out with some of the finest from ATL.